A Strategic Partner

Whether project-specific or a long-term partnership, we are uniquely positioned to deliver strategic, growth-minded, and results-driven services. 



The right people on the right projects.

Well thought out processes.





The right technology for every project.



Process matters because it removes subjectivity and project fragmentation and replaces it with deadline – oriented & data-driven methodologies.

Creative Collaboration

At Beyond Paralegals our relationships are partnerships. With a common goal of engineering success through well-planned and well executed strategies.

Alignment & Execution

Organization is the key to operating a deadline and results driven environment. Beyond Paralegals utilizes a variety of tools to achieve goals and enhance transparency.

Financial Awareness

We are aware everything we touch has financial implications, whether cost savings, improving margins, or generating new revenue streams.

We focus on  improving efficiency, productivity, and profitability during the entire lifecycle of your project.

With each engagement we combine technology solutions and project management skills to complete your projects on time, on budget, track metrics and perform quality controls so you can deliver your best work better and faster, with data that will help you make intelligent decisions for your clients.

In-house law departments hire us when they need additional support on special projects or require specialized skill sets that may not exist within their department.  

Legal Operations

Project Management

Contract Management (CLM)

CLM Readiness

Matter Management

Template Creation

Process Automation

Data & Analytics

 TM Docket Management 

 IP Docket Management

 Due Diligence  

 SOS Filings

We focus on improving efficiency, productivity, and profitability during the entire lifecycle of your project.

With each engagement, we combine technology solutions and project management skills to complete your projects on time, on budget, track metrics, and perform quality controls so you can deliver your best work better and faster, with data that will help you make intelligent decisions for your clients. 

Law firms hire us when they need additional support for special projects or require specialized skill sets that may not exist within their team.

Corporate Law

Contract Law

Local Government

Economic Development

Litigation & Trial Prep

Process Automation

Special Projects

Training and Education

 Mergers & Acquisitions 

 Intellectual Property  

 SOS Filings 

 Appellate Law

We focus on improving efficiency, productivity, and profitability during the entire lifecycle of your project.

With each engagement, we combine technology solutions and project management skills to complete your projects on time, on budget, track metrics, and perform quality controls so you can deliver your best work better and faster, with data that will help you make intelligent decisions for your clients. 

In-house law departments and law firms hire us when they need additional support for special projects or require specialized skill sets that may not exist within their team.

 Template Creation 

Trial Binders

Document Production

Fractional Litigation Support

Theme Development Strategy for Trial

Focus Groups & Mock Trials

War Room Set Up

Post-Trial Interview of Jurors

 Jury Selection & Voir Dire  

 Trial Technician / Hot Seat

 Trial Presentation and Demonstratives 

 Legal Research 

Get In Touch

We work under the supervision of attorneys and do not provide legal services to the general public.