I Love Beyond Paralegals: Music to our Ears

Imagine our surprise when we received this from a client of ours! Thank you!!
The Paralegal Life Podcast: Coming Soon

A podcast for Paralegals who like to learn, laugh, and share their knowledge. A Beyond Paralegals Production. Coming Soon.
What is the Difference between Styles, Themes, and Templates?

Styles keep your formatting consistent within a document. Themes keep your look and feel consistent across multiple documents. Templates allow you to re-use text and keep your look and feel […]

OWNING A TRADEMARK vs. HAVING A REGISTERED TRADEMARK: You become a trademark owner as soon as you start using your trademark with your goods or services. You establish rights in your trademark […]
Case Briefing for Visual Learners

In law school the “highlighted books” typically belonged to those who “book brief”, and each color helps the reader find facts, rule/takeaway, issue, etc., at a glance, and if you knew […]
Tips We Use To Build a Trial Notebook

The best system for organizing the contents of a trial notebook is to follow the natural progression of the trial. Your notebook should tell a story. Even before you know […]
Is Your Calendar Stressing You Out? We Have Solutions.

I once had a client that was overwhelmed by the site of his calendar. His calendar was full of various activites. He constantly felt stressout that he was not spending […]
The difference between a Table of Contents and Table of Authorities and how to mark Citations?

What Is the difference between a Table of Contents and Table of Authorities and how to mark citations? Thought you would never ask… A Table of Contents (TOC) includes a […]

The objective of a deposition summary is to present a condensed version of the deposition transcripts where key points are summarized and referenced with their corresponding page and line number […]
Good Work Isn’t Cheap and Cheap Work Isn’t Good

Have you ever received a call from a potential client asking you to complete a project that someone else messed up or could not complete? We have! In fact, several […]